Asset Tracing Services

Successful commercial litigation begins and ends with the client receiving at least part of what he considers he is entitled to, whether via a settlement, court arbitration or other process.

Oftentimes the prospective defendants are hard to trace hiding behind complicated structures spread all over the world.

So, once our clients with our help decide that a claim is worth pursuing on the facts as well as the law, we encourage our clients to make inquiries as to the true identity of the stake holders, their financial standing, the whereabouts of assets and they ease or difficulty in freezing those assets where appropriate.

We consider this step essential if the successful litigant is to gain anything from the process.

The time and cost taken to secure this information is invariably offset by the benefit of being able to collect on a judgement. Invariably it assists as leverage in any negotiations in relation to the matters in dispute.

We can assist with investigations anywhere in the world in an attempt to identify potential defendants’ assets whether these are real estate, cash, artwork or other valuable collectables, securities or other assets, tangible or intangible that may be realised in the event of a successful litigation process.

Our team is committed to actively supporting the client’s interests and achieving optimal results, offering tailored solutions for each client's unique needs.

We can identify holding structures regardless of complexity and seek to unravel true ownership utilising resources throughout multiple jurisdictions allowing for the recovery of assets that may have been illegally acquired through fraud, embezzlement or other dubious means for the purpose of securing these for the benefit of our Clients.

This is made possible by our team which operates with full flexibility, able to adjust the scope, scale, and resources allocated to the clients’ project or requirements as necessary.

We offer a customized and adaptable approach to meeting the clients’ needs, bringing experts in as required depending on how the asset being traced is held, where it can be found and the best way to confirm its existence and or availability for freezing or seizure. This information can either be utilised by us or passed on to professionals in the appropriate jurisdiction so the appropriate steps can be taken.

To succeed in asset tracing and recovery, coordination and cooperation is key. We have the capability to provide not only a comprehensive legal approach but in taking on the coordination of any such project allowing us to make swift decision on which assets we need to focus and prioritise.

We would be delighted to offer our services including coordinating professionals from all disciplines regardless of where they are, law firms, in-house legal departments, and financial forensic experts as well as successfully identifying securing and collecting data and evidence in a manner which would allow its proper usage in any dispute resolution forum in any jurisdiction.


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